"Immerse yourself in a world of sensations. Floating high above the city, 43 The Spa is an extraordinary setting where organic luxury and a sense of wellbeing is captured. Enjoy the best of an urban spa combined with unparalleled views of the sea and the city of Barcelona from atop Hotel Arts."
Dirección: Hotel Arts Barcelona Carrer de la Marina 19-21 , Barcelona 08005, ES
Teléfono: 935 14 13 00
Ciudad: Barcelona
Ruta: Hotel Arts Barcelona
Número de calle: Carrer de la Marina 19-21
Código postal: 08005
Horas laborales
lunes: 09:00-22:00
martes: 09:00-22:00
miércoles: 09:00-22:00
jueves: 09:00-22:00viernes: 09:00-22:00
sábado: 09:00-22:00
domingo: 09:00-22:00