
Reseñas, información para AC Internship Abroad

AC Internship Abroad

Sobre Nosotros

Our mission is to help in the educational process of young people through language teaching: organising trips and stays abroad and promoting mobility


The Internship Programme will contribute to your personal growth while you practice as English language assistant in primary and secondary schools in Spain, with children aged 0 to 18.

It is a good opportunity for all participants to enhance personal growth and live a vibrant experience learning new skills, Spanish language, and culture.

Candidate profile:
Native English language speaker, responsible, dynamic, interested in learning, receptive, and love of children.
Students able to provide a training agreement from University. Capacity to integrate with a host family.
Available from October to June.

Under the guidance and coordination of a school teacher (English language teacher), the language assistants must help the teacher in his/her program, support oral exercises and share with students aspects of their culture.

25 classes per week from Monday to Friday, during school period from October to June (nine months).

You will receive:
Host family accommodation: Free room and full board
Free transport from home to school and from school to home
A guidance tutor, to help and look after your welfare during your stay
Free Spanish lessons with a native teacher and books and materials.
Study grant: All inclusive + 300EUR/month
Vacations according to the school calendar
No enrollment fee

If you are looking for a placement for your Year Abroad, it is a good opportunity!

Dirección: PTGE. DE L'AMETLLER, 41, 08980 San Feliú de Llobregat
Teléfono: +34 936325277
Ciudad: Sant Feliu de Llobregat
Código postal: 08980

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