
Reseñas, información para Academia Iria Flavia. Spanish school - Spanischsprachschule - Spagnolo

Academia Iria Flavia. Spanish school - Spanischsprachschule - Spagnolo

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Academia Iria Flavia. Spanish school in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) - Spanischsprachschule - Scuola di spagnolo - École d'espagnol


Academia Iria Flavia was founded in 1994 in Santiago de Compostela. It is very centrally located, at a 2-minute walk from the historic district of the city and very close to all the major monuments.

It is a small, family-like school managed directly by the owners.

It offers 6 classrooms and an area with computers with free Internet access for students. Furthermore, there is wi-fi connection available in all the facilities.

The total number of students can reach 90; the average group size is 5 students with a maximum of 8 (10 in June, July and August). It is very easy, therefore, to contact all the school staff, both teachers and administrative or managerial.

Actually, relation with teachers is one of the most important values you will find while you are here. You relate to your teacher in the classroom, but also to other groups’ teachers during coffee breaks or other activities.

In order to select the teachers for our Spanish courses, we assess their training and professionalism, but also their human qualities: friendliness, capacity to create a good environment in the classroom and their liking “giving a hand” in and out of the school.

All these points sum up to reach our objective: helping you learn Spanish in a relaxed, familiar and entertaining environment.


Helping you learn Spanish in a relaxed, familiar and entertaining environment.


*e20. Standard Course*
20 group lessons per week. There is a ½ hour coffee break with the teachers every day. Minimum duration: one week.

i25. Intensive course
25 group lessons per week. Same structure as the Standard Course 20, but with 5 extra lessons per week, focused on improving oral communication. Minimum duration: one week.

i25+5. Intensive course 25+5
25 group lessons + 5 one-to-one hours (x 60 minutes), dedicated to work on those aspects of the language that need to be reinforced or to improve oral communication skills. This course is approved as Bildungsurlaub. Minimum duration: one week.

Solo yo! Individual Course
From 2 to 6 hours (x 60 minutes) a day, in order to focus only on your needs. During the first lesson, the teacher and you will establish the objectives. When the course is longer than 4 hours a day, two or three teachers will take turns.

Spanish + Internship
Consists of a Spanish Language course combined with an unpaid internship held in different companies of Santiago de Compostela. Internship positions are available both in private and in State-owned companies

Programas para adolescentes / Viaje de estudios
¿Eres profesor de español en un centro educativo del extranjero? Hemos diseñado unos programas de especial interés para ti y tus alumnos. Contacta con nosotros enviando un eMail a [email protected] indicando tu nombre, el nombre del centro donde impartes clases y el programa o programas de tu interés.

"Spanish Online. Español online. Cursos de español. Spanish courses. Spanischkurses. Corsi di spagnolo. School accredited by the Instituto Cervantes. Bildungsurlaub. Spanish for school groups, Spanish + Internship, Cursos para profesores de español. General Spanish courses. Accommodation. Cultural activities."
Dirección: Pérez Constanti 18, 15702 Santiago de Compostela
Teléfono: 981 57 28 88
Ciudad: Santiago de Compostela
Ruta: Pérez Constanti 18
Código postal: 15702

Horas laborales

lunes: 09:00 - 14:00

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Cursos de español para extranjeros y actividades muy interesantes y amenas.
Traducido por Google No puedo exagerar la efectividad de Iria Flavia. Acabo de regresar de un curso de inmersión de 2 semanas que superó mis expectativas. El ambiente en esta escuela es relajado pero profesional y eficiente. Mi profesor Roberto fue de primera clase y pude aclarar una gran cantidad de áreas en las que tenía dudas. Gracias Academia Iria Flavia. Original I cannot overplay the effectiveness of Iria Flavia. I have just returned from a 2 week immersion course which exceeded my expectations. The atmosphere in this school is relaxed but professional and efficient. My teacher Roberto was first class and I was able to clarify a whole host of areas where I had doubts. Thank you Academia Iria Flavia.
Traducido por Google Aquí es donde vas si te tomas en serio aprender español. La escuela es pequeña y la mejor a la que he asistido. Original Hier geht man hin, wenn man ernsthaft Spanisch lernen möchte. Die Schule ist klein und die beste die ich je besucht habe.
Traducido por Google Cursos muy útiles y motivadores para profesores de español como lengua extranjera, profesores competentes, informales y amables, personal directivo y de secretaría ultradisponible. Durante el periodo de estancia, especialmente los fines de semana, la escuela ofrece visitas guiadas a Santiago, A Coruña, por la costa, u organiza rutas de senderismo y otras actividades interesantes como la visita a las cubiertas de la catedral. Julio es un mes maravilloso para ir allí. Original Corsi molto utili e motivanti per professori di spagnolo lingua straniera, insegnanti competenti, informali e simpatici, personale di direzione e di segreteria ultradisponibile. Durante il periodo di permanenza, in particolare nei fine settimana, la scuola propone visite guidate a Santiago, a La Coruña, lungo la costa, oppure organizza percorsi di trekking ed altre attività interessanti come l'esplorazione dei tetti della cattedrale. Luglio è un mese stupendo per andarci.
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