
Reseñas, información para Agrolaboratorios Nutricionales,S.A.

Agrolaboratorios Nutricionales,S.A.

Sobre Nosotros

Special Fertilisers, Orgánic Plants healer.
Fertilizantes especiales y fortificantes ecológicos.
Fertilisans speciaux et produits biologiques.


AGROLABORATORIOS NUTRICIONALES, S.A. (ALN), was founded in 1994 with the objective of investigating and developing agricultural products. This work is carried out in our own laboratories and in cooperation with scientists from the departments of biochemistry of the Universities of Cordoba and Seville; we also work in collaboration with various agrarian investigation centres in Spain and Europe.
We launched our first product in 1998, after dedicating more than four years to researching and developing effective products providing solutions according to the needs of farmers.

The fundamental principle of our company is “excellence” during the whole production process: raw materials, personnel, machinery, product presentation, etc... A rigorous quality control department and highly qualified personnel certify and guarantee our products.

ALN, offers a complete set of products for your crops, not only in the nutrition area but also for the health of plants. Our products are created with the highest standards and respect the environment while at the same time providing the grower with maximum efficiency and profit.

ALN is very conscious of increasing sensitivity in the market for products without residues (organic agriculture) as well as the optimization of water and fertilizer consumption. With this in mind and together with improving technology in the agricultural sector, whether for environmental or efficiency reasons, ALN has developed products that respond efficiently to these important needs. Our products do not contribute to harmful filtration of nitrates, or to over-concentration of nutrients that are of no use to plants.
Our products are also compatible with integrated biological programs.

Dirección: Poligono Industrial C/ Marconi 11, 29680 Estepona
Ciudad: Estepona
Ruta: Poligono Industrial C/ Marconi 11
Código postal: 29680

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