
Reseñas, información para APR Greenhouses

Sobre Nosotros

APR Greenhouses & Technology is a company in the auxiliary industry of agriculture that specializes in designing, manufacturing and installing turnkey projects of technology for intensive agriculture in any part of the world.


APR Greenhouses & Technology, backed by more than 30 years dedicated to seeking solutions to clients' needs for automation.
APR Greenhouses & Technology is the Novedades Agrícolas, S.A. Export Division. Novedades Agrícolas S.A. was founded in 1978 and although initially it began manufacturing and installing trickle watering systems, it soon evolved by incorporating new business lines, directly related with intensive production, such as the installation of greenhouses, screens, construction of gardens, large parks and green spaces, heating, substrates, humidification, climate control, osmosis, reservoirs, etc. and developed into a pioneer company in Spain, constantly growing and absolute leader in its sector, as well as becoming the Spanish company with most international projection in this field.

Dirección: Ctra Mazarron-Puerto km 2,5, 30870 Mazarrón
Ciudad: Mazarrón
Ruta: Ctra Mazarron-Puerto km 2,5
Código postal: 30870

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