"Beach Bikes - The Only Bicycle Rental Shop At Cabanyal Beach In Valencia. In 2017 I founded Beach Bikes because of my passion for cycling in Valencia. The shop is between Cabanyal and Malvarrosa and is also easily reachable from Patacona, Benimaclet and Port Saplaya.I'm originally from London, England and have been living in Valencia since 2014. I know many cycling routes around Valencia, Alicante and Castellón and also lead cycling routes on the Meetup Events Webite where I'm the Organiser of the "Hiking and Cycling" group with 2000+ members.I offer 3 Free Self-Guided GPS Tours to help you experience the best routes that Valencia has to offer. A phone holder and accessories are also included in your rental."
Dirección: Carrer d'Eugènia Viñes, 241 , Valencia 46011, ES
Teléfono: 960 72 08 20
Ciudad: Valencia
Ruta: Carrer d'Eugènia Viñes, 241
Código postal: 46011
Horas laborales
lunes: 10:00-15:00
lunes: 16:00-21:00
martes: 10:00-15:00
martes: 16:00-21:00
miércoles: 10:00-15:00
miércoles: 16:00-21:00
jueves: 10:00-15:00