
Reseñas, información para Caravia


Caravia is a municipality in the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias, Spain. It is bordered on the north by the Bay of Biscay, part of the Cantabrian Sea, on the south by Parres, on the east by Ribadesella and on the west by Colunga.GeographyCaravia is the third smallest municipality of Asturias. The population is centered mainly in Prado (Prau in Asturian), the municipal capital, Duesos and Duyos. It is 68 km from Oviedo, the capital of the principality.There are mountain summits in the southern parts of Caravia, with Fito (631 m) being the highest. In the north there are three main beaches: Beciella, Arenal de Morís and Espasa. The beaches are separated by great cliffs along the coast. The rest of the municipality has little variation in orography. Its main watercourse is the Romeros river.Together with the municipalities of Colunga, Piloña, Parres and Ribadesella, Caravia is part of the geographic area known as Sierra del Sueve.Parishes Caravia Alta Caravia BajaHistoryPaleolithicThe first humans in Caravia were during the Paleolithic period, during the time when humans began to use stone tools. From this time period, there are ruins known as "Les Vaques" and "La Pongueta", located near Duyos, where Paleolithic humans lived near a small river and rocky escarpment.

Dirección: 33344 Caravia
Ciudad: Caravia
Código postal: 33344

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