"Carmencita Film Lab is an independent photographic film developing company.Our team is formed by a small group of professionals, in love with photography, and with photographic film in particular. We know there are more people like us, who know how hard it is to find a lab where negatives are treated with the right accuracy, care and dedication.That's why we decided to turn our passion into our job, and open our doors to the professionals out there looking for the right place to develop and scan their film negatives. Each piece of work, and each client, is unique for us. That's why we dedicate ourselves completely to each job, ensuring that our service is personalized and our product perfect."
Dirección: Calle Luis Santángel, 16 , Valencia 46005, ES
Teléfono: 963 04 19 87
Ciudad: Valencia
Ruta: Calle Luis Santángel, 16
Código postal: 46005
Horas laborales
lunes: 10:00-19:00
martes: 10:00-19:00
miércoles: 10:00-19:00jueves: 10:00-19:00
viernes: 10:00-19:00
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