"Orthopaedic out- patient clinic for orthopaedic surgery, trauma surgery, sports injuries, physiotherapy, osteopathy, massage therapy as well as ophthalmology and urology. The state of the art clinic facilities include digital X-rays, ultrasound scan, bone density and shock wave therapy. Specialist treatment include total hip replacement, hip resurfacing, total knee replacement, key hole surgery - arthroscopy - , hand surgery, foot surgery, spine surgery and trauma surgery. Physiotherapy includes post- operative rehabilitation, gait training, postural correction and sports injury treatment. All facilities are wheel chair accessible and air conditioned. Direct payment agreement with international insurances."
Dirección: Calle Mercurio, 74 Urbanización Pueblosol , Arroyo de la Miel 29631, ES
Teléfono: 602 69 00 14
Ciudad: Arroyo de la Miel
Ruta: Calle Mercurio, 74
Número de calle: Urbanización Pueblosol
Código postal: 29631
Horas laborales
lunes: 10:00-15:00martes: 13:00-18:00
miércoles: 10:00-15:00
jueves: 10:00-15:00