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Editar Empresa | David Holderbach Ibiza Photography
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros http://davidholderbach.portfoliobox.net/ Historia I come from a photographers family, I always was tempted by the dream but never got to really have the chance... Until Ibiza changed my life :) I am since 2 years now, full time photographer. I love shooting events, models, real estate but also landscapes, still life and nature in its wild habitat. Do not hesitate writing me if there is any photo that you would like to have printed for you . Hope you enjoy ! "Interior/Exterior Same day turn around.When you work with Ibiza Real Estate Photography, you become a realtor who is willing to give your clients the best.We offer real estate photographers, aerial photographers and floor plan designers.The work is done in one visit, depending from the size of the property from 1 up to 2 hours shooting.Special care is given to the front exterior, with attention given to the weather and time of day. Rooms are lit with professional equipment allowing them to be viewed at their best. Photos are edited with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop and the deliverables are high-resolution images that will still download quickly."
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