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Editar Empresa | Martina Holistic Health
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros This pages is about how to create more health, vitality, balance and happiness to reach overall satisfaction in life. Historia My page Martina Holistic Health aims to inspire you and give you valuable information, tips and tools to create healthy habits that will lead to live more fulfilling life. Simply because if you want to have abundance of anything - be it love, joy, happiness, energy, strength, relationships, wealth, etc…., you need to bring your whole self to the work to manifest it. And that's not going to happen if you are in physical or emotional pain, or if you might be blocking your realizations unconsciously. I think today many of us suffer unnecessarily. I believe every person was made to live own authentic life in abundance of any kind, however not all of us are experiencing this privileged state of freedom in every sense due to differences in our belief, will, motivation, attention, effort, action and habit. It is my intention to help you expand your awareness and experience more freedom using information on this page. I dedicate this page to sharing ideas, insights, experiences, resources and tools that will help you find more abundance in anything you're looking for, starting with creating vibrant health and a genuine connection with yourself through healthy habits and the power of positive thinking. Visit my blog https://www.martina-v.com/blog/ for easy to apply tips and latest advice in holistic health and personal empowerment. After years of trying to resolve my ill health & unhappy life with all kinds of external solutions I found it was impossible unless I looked inside and got clear what's going on in my mind and heart. Everything starts from there. Our life from what we do, how we behave and everything that we are experiencing on daily basis, is just the reflexion of our inner world. By transforming the way you look at yourself and your world coupled with meaningful action towards change, you can transform your life. I believe vibrant health defined as the state of physical strength, emotional connection, mental clarity & focus, and spiritual alignment with who you are, is the prerequisite to be, do or have anything you want. The information I want to share changed my life, and I believe can change yours. It is the driving force behind my work, through which I help others to live their life that matters. Your mind is your limit. With love, Martina More info about one on one coaching: https://www.martina-v.com/full-service-holistic-health-coaching/
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