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Editar Empresa | Monastery of Sant Cugat
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Historia The Monastery of Sant Cugat is a Benedictine abbey in Sant Cugat del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain. Founded in the 9th century, and built until the 14th century, it was the most important monastery in the county of Barcelona. It has its main feature in the large cloister, in Romanesque style.HistoryThe monastery's origin date back to the 9th century, when it was decided to unite the church housing the remains of St. Cucuphas to an annexed fortification. The monastery started to the expand its possessions from the 10th century onwards. In 985, it was damaged by an attack of Muslim troops led by al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir who then repaired it and added the minaret, still the highest point of the cathedral.In the late 11th century, count Ramon Berenguer II of Barcelona decreed that the monastery would be subject to St Ponce de Tomieres, in the Languedoc, creating turmoil amongst the monks of Sant Cugat. The abbot of St. Ponce moved to the Catalan monastery and the monks who disagreed with his administration were expelled. However, the bishop of Barcelona claimed his rights over the monastery, which was returned to the diocese of Barcelona. At the time Sant Cugat was controlling the monasteries of Santa Cecília de Montserrat, Sant Llorenç del Munt, Sant Pau del Camp, Sant Pere de Clará and Sant Salvador de Breda.
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