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Editar Empresa | Meta Bike Cafe
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Meta Bike Cafe is the new base of CicloCostaBlanca.com offering quality cycle rental, bike sales, and a professional guiding service. Historia Meta Bike Café, Pro Bike Hire Centre Meta Bike Cafe – Albir Meta Bike Cafe, The Regions VERY BEST BIKE HIRE. Conveniently & centrally located within the `Albir Playa´ resort, 3 km north of Benidorm. The hub of cycling activity within the area, providing Cyclists with a landmark meeting point, to get together, Discuss ride options, take part in our free join shop rides* . Seek advise from our experienced staff. * Subject to availability please check with us OPEN: AUTUMN HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday btn 0900 - 1330. and 1630 - 1900 hrs. Wednesday & Sunday 0900 - 1500 hrs. Our opening times change throughout each season Please check with us for up todate opening times. CLOSED: SUNDAY 20th NOVEMBER - REOPEN - MONDAY 12th DECEMBER. CLOSED: CHRISTMAS SATURDAY 24th & SUNDAY 25th DECEMBER CLOSED: NEW YEAR SATURDAY 31st DECEMBER & SUNDAY 1st JANUARY THURSDAY SHOP RIDES: Depart `Meta Bike Cafe´ at 0930 hrs. Everyone welcome * We plan to ride approx 80/90 km with a stop for cafe. Please check with us to confirm the ride is on SHOP RIDE PHOTO´S *SHOP RIDES are lead by our guides. HOWEVER they are NOT ``GUIDED RIDES´´ and as such are not suitable for novice / inexperianced riders. If you are a novice / inexperianced rider Please ask about our GUIDED ` TAILORED TO YOUR LEVEL OF FITNESS ´rides More information on our services below Bike hire Route advice Bike fitting Power testing Service repair Bike hire With the Costa Blanca´s largest fleet of professional quality hire road bikes available to you from top brand RIDLEY . Also available are super light wheelset upgrades from PRO-LITE & SPADA . Powertap G3 rear wheel, helmets & pedals and Garmin touring plus computors Our online reservation system provides information on every bikes availability and price per hire period. The system is live and offers instant confirmation of your booking For more information on our hire bikes go to the Bike hire page If you prefer we can make the booking for you, Just email us using our contact form letting us know the dates of hire, size and type of bikes. "Bianchi road bike rental""Bianchi road bike rental"
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