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Editar Empresa | Ca l'Espavil
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Allotjament situat a Cardedeu, un petit poble de la comarca del Vallès Oriental, a 30 km de Barcelona i al costat del Montseny www.calespavil.cat Historia L'edifici data de finals del segle XIX i es troba al centre de la vila, prop de l’estació de tren ( a dos minuts a peu) i dels principals serveis de la ciutat (cafès, terrasses, restaurants i botigues). L’espai disposa d’un gran llit doble, dos llits individuals i un sofà llit.. Un pati acollidor i una cuina amb una llar de foc. House located in Cardedeu, a small town 30 kilometers far from Barcelona, 20 minutes far from the beach and from the beatiful landscapes of el Montseny. The house, with a charming nineteenth-century facade is in Cardedeu's city center, close to the the train station (two minutes walking) and to the main town services (coffees, terraces, restaurants and shops). Amenities: There is a large double bed with a mattress, two single beds and a sofa bed. You will also find bed linen, towels, coffee and tea. A cozy patio (where you can enjoy the summer Mediterranean evenings) and a kitchen with a fireplace are others of the amenities that offers the house. Getting there from Barcelona is easy. You are connected by train (just 2 minutes walking from the house) or bus ( four minuts walking to the main bus stations). If you come by car, you can take the AP7. Don't hesitate to contact us in order to ask any question before or during your stay in Cardedeu.
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