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Editar Empresa | The Tapping Trend
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Linda Ledwidge - Holistic Health PractitionerQualified General NurseQualified MidwiferFasterEFT Practitioner, Naturopath, Quantum Touch Therapist Historia I´d like to tell you a little bit about myself and explain why I am passionate about helping people to live the life they deserve. My background is in traditional medicine, I trained as a General Nurse in Glasgow, and then as a Midwife. I have been interested in all modalities of healing and the mind/body connection since I can remember and I always felt that there was more to helping people to heal than what I had been trained to do. As happens to many of us, I got sidetracked with my daily life. I married, had children, worked and I put all my energy into my family life and forgot that I had wanted at one time to pursue my interest in health therapies. In 2004 I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia and for the next 6 years I spent my life in a drugged haze. I underwent major surgery, spent many days in hospital as only intravenous drugs could help in any way to dull the pain. I was told everywhere I turned that this was an incurable disease. In November 2007 my neurosurgeon told me that there was no other treatment that he could try, nothing seemed to be working, my only hope was to find some way of controlling the pain, and he referred me to another doctor who would try further concoctions of drug therapy. I had tried reflexology, craniosacral therapy, hypnosis and a few other things, which all helped although I still suffered this pain. In January 2008 a friend mentioned that she had been to see a Spiritual Healer in England and she gave me his details. I managed to get an appointment in March to see Ray Brown and after seeing him 3 times I gradually, over the following two years and a lot of work on myself, became drug free and pain free. Ray helped me tremendously and my interest in alternative therapies was reawakened. I have since spent many hours studying and training in alternative therapies including Reiki, Quantum Touch Healing, Angel Therapy, EFT. In March 2011 I discovered Robert G. Smith on You Tube and I began to study FasterEFT In November 2011 I completed my level I & II FasterEFT practitioner certification and then in May 2012 went on to complete Level III Practitioner certification. In Jan 2013 I completed my Advanced certification in FasterEFT in Habilitat, Hawaii. My mission today is to help as many people as possible to live the life they deserve and live without pain. "Hier im Trendstore Palma SL finden Sie alles was Siefür Ihre Terasse, Ihre Finca oder Ihren Garten benötigen. Im Trendstore Palma SL haben sich die besten Dienstleister und Handwerker der Insel zusammengeschlossen um Ihnen als Kunden den besten Service zu bieten und um Ihnen unnötige Wege zu ersparen. In unserem Showroom haben Sie alles unter einem Dach. Besuchen Sie uns und überzeugen Sie sich selbst."
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