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Editar Empresa | Cathedral of Santa María de Vitoria
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Historia The Cathedral of Santa María de Vitoria is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic cathedral located in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque country, Spain. It was declared Bien de Interés Cultural in 1931.HistoryConstruction of the cathedral of Santa María in Gothic-style began in the late 13th century and continued throughout the 14th century. It was conceived as a church-fortress, with great volume and enclosed appearance, being part of the city's defences.Between 1496 and 1861, the building operated as a collegiate church, and it was that year when it was declared a cathedral. It has a Latin-cross plan, with a wide transept crossing and circular apse containing several chapels.The facade's portals are richly decorated with sculpture. The western portico is masterwork consisting of three portals: the central one consecrated to the Virgin, the left one dedicated to San Gil and the right one to the Final Judgement and Saint James.Nowadays it is being restored within the project of the Santa Maria Cathedral Foundation, which manages guided tours and is in charge of restoration works."Una catedral por descubrir , la Catedral de Santa María de #VitoriaGasteiz está Abierta por Obras y se puede visitar con visita guiada. Reserva tu visita guiada en 945 255135 o en su página web.La Fundación Catedral Santa María es la institución creada para gestionar y desarrollar el Plan Director de Restauración Integral de la Catedral de Santa María"
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