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Editar Empresa | Loiu Airport
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Historia Bilbao Airport is a public airport located 9km north of Bilbao, in the municipality of Loiu, in Biscay. It is the most important airport in the Basque Country and northern Spain, with 4,045,613 passengers in 2011. It is famous for its new main terminal opened in 2000 designed by Santiago Calatrava.HistoryAfter various aeronautic experiments in the province of Biscay, in October 1927 steps were taken by the Union of Public Works to establish an airport in Bilbao. A Provincial Board was created to study the possible location of the airport. It was not until 1936 that the General Aeronautics Management authorised the installation of an airport in Sondika. However, due to the site's many deficiencies, the airport was not considered of interest. Bilbao is surrounded by mountains and a flat valley without significant population had to be found.The construction works commenced during the Civil War but during this time and until June 1937 the airport was only used as a base for military activities. In 1938, the second stage of the airport's development began. The council resumed procedures with the government to modify the primitive project of 1936 and the drafting of a new project was authorised and later approved by the General Management of Infrastructure.In 1940, it was decided by common agreement with the local organisations affected to build a civilian airport in Sondika. The construction works progressed slowly and on 19 September 1948, the airport was at last opened to daytime traffic with the establishment of an air path to Madrid by Aviación y Comercio, SA. Two years later, the terminal, named Carlos Haya after the well-known pilot from Bilbao, began to give service. At this time, the airport had an asphalt runway, the 11/29 (measuring 1440by), another earth runway (measuring 1500by), a taxiway, a passenger terminal, a tower control, a radio beacon, a direction finder as well as police, post office, weather, health, fuel and telephone services. In 1955, a taxiway was built to link the runway with the parking stands and terminal. An apron measuring 124by, a hangar for the Royal Flying Club of Vizcaya and permanent facilities for Campsa were also built." El aeropuerto de Bilbao se encuentra ubicado en el Barrio gaztañaga, N 633 Loiu Bizkaia, 48180 Loiu, Vizcaya. Cuenta con una gran infraestructura que proporciona a los clientes una amplia variedad de servicios, tiendas, parking, alquiler de coches, etc. El tráfico existente en el aeropuerto corresponde principalmente a vuelos de aviación comercial con un marcado carácter regular, tanto de procedencia nacional como internacional. Aena Internacional ha gestionado infraestructuras aeroportuarias en el exterior, consolidado a Aena como el mayor operador aeroportuario mundial por número de pasajeros."
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