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Editar Empresa | GUIL S.L.
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Esta es la página oficial de GUIL S.L. / This is the official GUIL S.L. page. Historia GUIL is a Spanish manufacturer with 34 years experience in their field, dedicated to the design and development of products and equipment for the entertainment industry, sound and lighting industry, as well as making stands and accessories for musical instruments and audiovisual systems. GUIL, as a company known for quality, safety and cutting edge technology, exports 90% of what they produce to over 80 countries throughout the world. Over the years GUIL has become a prestigious brand that is now one of the top 10 companies in the business. "GUIL: tu fabricante español desde 1983. La experiencia acumulada en la industria del metal nos convierte en una de las empresas líderes en el diseño, desarrollo y fabricación de productos y equipamientos para la industria del espectáculo, del sonido, de la iluminación, así como la fabricación de soportes y de accesorios para instrumentos musicales y equipos audiovisuales.GUIL: Your Spanish manufacturer since 1983. Our extensive experience in the metal industry makes us one of the leading companies in design, development and manufacturing of products and equipment for the entertainment industry, sound and lighting industry, as well as the manufacturing of stands and accessories for musical instruments and A/V systems."
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