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Editar Empresa | Amanda Taggart Psychic Medium
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Tarot card readings and spiritual support covering all areas of your life, from personal to professional, helping with guidance to find a better path Historia Amanda is a gifted psychic medium and healer with deep connections to the spiritual world. Coming from a family with a spiritual background going back generations. Amanda had spiritual experiences as a child which continued while growing up, but it is only in the last 12 years that she developed and mastered her abilities and channels these through readings with the Tarot cards. Amanda is also a Reiki Master and combines this with her own form of spiritual healing. Her own life path has been an amazing journey filled with all types of life experiences; from hardships to happy blessings helping her to develop emotionally and spiritually to the person she is today. Through her own life experiences which have given her emotional strength and maturity she is able to understand almost every life situation and provide the support and spiritual help that you need. Coming originally from Northern Ireland Amanda has been living for the past 15 years in Spain and is currently based in Costa del Sol. Amanda is capable through the tarot cards and spiritual connections to help you deal with the past, and also deal with situations that are troubling you in the present as well as give guidance for the future. The readings cover all areas of your life: personal, family, love relationships, professional development and career opportunities, business ventures, people’s connections etc. You will be able to ask your questions about the areas of your most concern and interest and get guidance for future directions and any changes that are necessary for you to find a better path. All readings are confidential and are dealt solely by Amanda If you wish to book a reading you can do so by getting in touch through this page, telephone or email. Readings are available at present face to face, by voice, message, email, whatsapp or messenger The prices: One to one reading in person covering all areas of your life 1hr reading 50 euro 30 min reading 35 euros Readings by email: Full reading 30 euros One question (you will receive a detailed answer on any subject of concern) 10 euros Three questions 20 euros Readings will be sent within 24hrs of receipt of payment Healing In addition to her psychic abilities Amanda is also a Spiritual healer who has already helped many people and animals leaving sometimes even the doctors amazed at the results. Amanda is a Reiki Master and has a background in the Yuen method and Jin Shin Jyutsu. She has developed her own unique form of spiritual healing by combining some of these methods along with her own. During her healing sessions Amanda is strongly guided by Spirit but to achieve the best results she also needs the input from the person being healed and most importantly that they have faith in spiritual healing. If you or your loved ones have a health issue that you need help with then contact Amanda by private message to this page. The cost per healing session lasting approximately 30 mins is 45 eur. It is difficult to predict in advance the number of sessions required depending on the condition but they will be kept to a minimum. Discounts are available if five or more sessions purchased at once. Amanda also specializes in distance healing and the cost of this will be defined individually for each specific situation based on the condition and number of visits required. The initial session for distance healing is charged at the base rate of 45 eur as outlined above. If you would like to learn more or inquire about your own specific situation please contact Amanda directly by sending a private message to this page.
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