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Editar Empresa | Drink Home Ibiza
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Drinks delivery 24h around ibiza island in 30min & rental services: cars, clubs, yachts, villas, wranglers... Historia ABOUT US Our experience in the alcohol market and services, allowed us to start this project with the goal of delivering a real and innovative solution for the needs that ibiza visitors have. Drink responsibly. Our goal is to ensure that at any time and place you feel good, without having to worry about anything. Today we have already positioned itself as a benchmark in Ibiza, with a pioneering and innovative service. Your whims, desires and needs are our reason for being Try us and valued by your own experience our unique service! SERVICE Drink Home Ibiza offers comfortable, discrete, exclusive and fast service. Confortable: No matter when or where or how... We take care that you don’t miss anything . Discrete: Never reveal any personal information of our clients , your privacy comes first. Exclusive: we offer a bespoke service with unique and personal treatment, because no two situations or clients alike. Fast: time is not an issue for us, it’s our greatest ally. Our drink service is available from April to November, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And our concierge service it's available all year. If we have improved your experience and stay in Ibiza, we have done our job well. Every day we work to make this possible. Thank you for trusting us!"- Delivery 24h in 20min & rental villas/yachts- Founder of @robizawine & @robizawinenft"
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