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Editar Empresa | Monte do Gozo
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Historia Monte do Gozo is a hill in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. It is known for being the place where Christian pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago get their first views of the three spires of their destination, the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. At 370m, it is the pilgrims' last hill and last stop before reaching the cathedral, with about an hour's walk still to go, and by tradition is where they cry out in rapture at finally seeing the end of their path.Monte do Gozo is about three kilometers outside city centre, and is reachable by a 20-minute local bus ride in alternative to walking. It is less than a kilometer away from the small hamlet of San Marcos. It rises 70m above the trail before it and 110m above the city. It is also a popular site for bicyclists.The hill features the large Ciudad de Vacaciones Monte do Gozo development, constructed in 1993 for benefit of the pilgrims, which includes a spread-out, bungalow-style, 500-bed hotel/hostel, a camping ground, the large Auditorio Monte do Gozo for outdoor concerts, and gardens and walking paths, all on 65ha. It was initially built in 1993 for use by pilgrims and resulted in a reshaping of the hill. Sponsored by the local government in conjunction with that year's local Holy Year for St. James' Day, some aspects of the development drew the ire of the Church, which preferred a greater focus on the religious meaning of the area. While the hotel/hostel has helped relieve the city proper of accommodation pressure during peak times, its appearance itself has not always been viewed favourably, with one book calling it a "modern grief" and another characterizing it as "soul-crushingly awful".
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