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Editar Empresa | Buchinger Wilhelmi Marbella
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Clínica de referencia internacional especializada en Ayunoterapia y Medicina Integral. Clinic for Therapeutic Fasting and Integrative Medicine Historia Las clínicas Buchinger Wilhelmi en Marbella y Überlingen son instituciones médicas que han aunado el ayuno terapéutico y la medicina integrativa en una terapia innovadora. Bajo supervisión médica constante, los tratamientos clásicos de la medicina naturista se complementan con los más recientes conocimientos de la medicina científica.El Método Buchinger de Ayunoterapia tiene su origen en la obra del Dr. Otto Buchinger. The Buchinger clinics of Marbella and Überlingen are medical centres which have combined therapeutic fasting and integrative medicine to create an innovative form of therapy. Classical forms of treatment of naturopathy are complemented by the latest findings of scientific medicine under constant medical supervision. The heart of the Buchinger fasting method is based on the work of Dr. Otto Buchinger."Buchinger WilhelmiThe world’s leading clinic for therapeutic fasting, integrative medicine and inspiration!With 6,000 guests from over 60 countries every year, more than 250,000 successful fasting treatments in total, and 100 years of fasting expertise over four generations, Buchinger Wilhelmi is the world’s leading company for therapeutic fasting.The Buchinger Wilhelmi programme is continually developed in cooperation with university research centres.Therapeutic fasting is the core component of our holistic concept. Conscious nutrition, physical fitness and spiritual inspiration round off our range of services and play an equally important role in the regeneration of the body & spirit as physical treatments and exercise in nature."
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