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Editar Empresa | Contemplative Minds
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Contemplation is how we learn to handle the pain and vulnerability of emotional growth . Historia The Ten Stages are studied recovery.They are a source of reconnection a method of unlearning and a reintroduction to our child within which leads us back to our one true intuitive voice.We start to learn and come out of our protective dysfunctional shell and reclaim our lives. We reconstruct and being to understand our wonder filled journey of discovery as we explore our past lives. The joy of release from our misconceptions, ancient life roads that have caused us dysfunctional behaviours becomes ever more clear to us as we watch our fellow students gently cast off the bondage of the past and move out into our newly found liberation. Childhood fears and ancient coping strategies are cast aside as we realise the baggage we have been carrying our demeanour changes the deeply etched lines of pain leave our faces and once more we shine.For some of us who have known no peace in life this is the first time and we become fearful attempting to scuttle once more into our shadowy past. We scurry back filled with our knowledge and come to realise that the spectres of aloneness,fear and abuse have no place in this our reality
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