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Editar Empresa | Fraser Trevor Author & Social Psychologist
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Sobre Nosotros:
Sobre Nosotros Fraser Trevor Social Psychologist, Master of Science in Sociology and Multi Media Applications.Over Thirty Years of Practical Experience and founder of The Ten Stage Program and The Child Within Historia Knowing that all the limiting beliefs from our family, our friends, our fears and the world will begin to come up once we start to take action at the stages. Move through them. This part of the process is where we begin to grow as individuals into who we were meant to be by challenging all of these limiting beliefs and fears held by our imprisoned child within. Misión THE TEN STAGE PROGRAM:The Ten Stage Recovery Course and finding the child within. No Religion, No Spirituality, No Gurus, mentors or sponsors.Everything in plain English. Impressum THE TEN STAGE PROGRAM is the evolving process of The Stages Studies We Learn With A Support Network To Drop The “Old Shadow Self” .What We Are Sometimes Calling Freedom/Recovery Is The Re-Enactment Of The Neglect And Abandonment Experienced As A Child. It Is Through The Slow And Steady Transformation Out Of Our Wounds – By Coming Back And Completely Identifying And Reconnecting With The Child Who Was Left Behind – That Our Authentic Freedom Exists.
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