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Editar Empresa | Sant Miquel del Fai
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Historia Sant Miquel del Fai is a cenobitic Benedictine monastery in Bigues i Riells, Catalonia, Spain. The 11th-century building was declared a Bien de Interés Cultural landmark in 1988.LocationThe monastery is located in a well-preserved natural environment framed by rocky cliffs called Cingles de Bertí in the Catalan pre-coastal mountain range which geographically separates the region of Vallès Oriental in the subregion of Moianès. The Natural Area Sant Miquel del Fai is located in the municipality of Bigues i Riells.Architecture and fittingsThe church has a Romanesque doorway formed by a semicircular arch. A pair of columns are topped with capitals decorated with plant motifs. Only a few traces remain of the high altar. It has a small crypt which is accessed via a staircase located near the entrance. On the floor of the church, the headstones of the old abbots are visible. In side chapels, there are two graves. One, dating to the 13th century, is believed to correspond to Guillem, Earl Osona and brother of Ramon Berenguer I, who, after waiving his rights, was a monk of Sant Miquel. The other tomb may be that of Andreu Arbizu, a monk from Navarre, who provided goods to the monastery. The old priory house style is Gothic and dates to the 15th century. For many years, it has served as a hostel, but retains its original layout."Sant Miquel del Fai és situat en un entorn acinglerat i emmarcat per dos grans salts d'aigua que li confereix un interès especial des del punt de vista paisatgístic i geològic, el salt del Tenes i el salt del Rossinyol, a tocar de la Casa Prioral. Per això sempre ha estat un punt d’atracció turística de primer ordre de diferents generacions de catalans. Alguns del seus elements arquitectònics han estat catalogats com a béns culturals d'interès nacional BCIN.El 22 d'abril de 2023 la Diputació obre el recinte per a la visita pública, amb entrada gratuïta."
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