
Reseñas, información para Entinox


Sobre Nosotros

Fabricación de barriles de acero inoxidable

"We are stainless steel keg manufacturers with industrial capacity of 400,000+ kegs per yearand the most innovating installations in our sector.We reach the excellence in our operations implementing the management tools and processes from the automotive sector.Our DNA is digital: if you are interested in further digitalsolutions for smart kegs, contact us at info@thekegcompany.coThe Keg Company TKC is an entrepreneurial project leaded by some of the most industrially experienced families of the Spanish region of Aragon in the automotive and packaging systems with global presence decades ago."
Dirección: Ctra. N-232, Km. 266,4 Polígono P-6, 50639 Figueruelas
Teléfono: 976 655 486
Ciudad: Figueruelas
Ruta: Ctra. N-232, Km. 266,4 Polígono P-6
Código postal: 50639

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