
Reseñas, información para Everything Healthy

Everything Healthy

Sobre Nosotros

This page will be completed over the next couple of days with full details of what I do.
Thank you for your patience.


My name is Sandra,

I am a Natural Healthcare & Bodywork Practitioner and a Yoga & Meditation Teacher.

I would like to share with you a little of what I am about.
Please have a read & if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I assist & teach normal people to use Food as Medicine.
Without complicating life & having to make drastic changes, I help you to modify & adapt what is readily available & affordable in order to get you from 'sick' to 'healthy'.

The System of Body Realignment I practice is a 'non-invasive' & gentle yet effective Technique, working 'with' the body's own Energy System.

It involves the Client lying in a relaxed fashion whilst the treatment takes place.
Key areas of the body are held, without pushing or straining & most often, the Client falls asleep the treatment is so gentle.

When the body is in 'Balance', everything becomes balanced...Muscles, Bones, Internal Organs, even Emotions.

These treatments can help overcome many Physical and Emotional problems clients may be suffering, whether they are aware of them or not.

Treatments are approximately 45 minutes.

Results are quite quick with this System, so, the Client usually requires 'fewer' treatments than with conventional treatments.

Yoga & Meditation:

Try not to be put off by the word 'Yoga'.

There are many forms of Yoga Ásana practice are being taught all over the world & we have all tried many forms before finding what works for us.
Some say classes are "fast & extreme" or "slow & boring" & lots of us even give up our quest to find a suitable style along the way.
Well, this is where Tantra Yoga from the Kaula system differs from all the rest.

Tri Dosha Classes come in two styles.

1: Standing Yoga: Standing & "flowing" in to postures that your body allows.

2: Closed Eyes: Participants lie on the mat & practice with 'eyes closed'!

In both classes we listen to our bodies & the key word is we '"flow" in to postures.

Here is a little piece on the system of Tantra Kaula Yoga...

Tantra Yoga is taught from an Ancient Tradition based on the 'Subtle Energy System' which guides us through our practice using our 'Intuitive Awareness'.
It recognizes that there is much more to a Body than a bunch of Bones & Muscles.
It doesn't teach us to push & twist or strain ourselves in to postures, but, to "Relax" our way & Meditate in the Postures.
Tantra Yoga is a Unique style of Ásana practice that is suitable for 'all' Body Types & 'all' Levels of Experience.
It teaches the importance of taking the 'competitiveness' OUT of our Practice & with it's Gentle Techniques, gain results which do not harm the body & aid in mastering postures which benefit our everyday lives.

We all deserve some time to be with 'ourselves' & listen to our bodies.
Using 'this' system will give 'our' system just what it needs.

Tantra Yoga is so compatible with the above Bodywork that you can do one of both to aid with your overall Well-being.
Come along for a new experience that you can truly master & even add to your daily practice.

Meditation & Breathwork:

Meditation doesn't have to mean sitting like a statue in a fixed position & not being able to scratch an itch or even blink.

There are many forms of Meditation & even Tantra Yoga (above) is a form of moving Meditation.

Whatever you are looking to gain from Meditation, I can gear a style to suit your ability & lifestyle.

Breath is probably our most underrated natural ability. Most everything can be overcome & healed with breath!

I teach Breathing Techniques to help with General Health, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Lung & Chest issues, Fitness & much more.

I hope to meet you soon.

"CBD NaturalClosed for summer holiday28th July - 17th AugustDuring this period you can order online with our usual next day shipping."
Dirección: To be confirmed, 04692 Huércal-Overa
Teléfono: 0034 642 87 78 36.
Ciudad: Huércal-Overa
Ruta: To be confirmed
Código postal: 04692

Horas laborales

lunes: 09:00 - 21:00
martes: 09:00 - 21:00
miércoles: 09:00 - 21:00
jueves: 09:00 - 21:00
viernes: 09:00 - 21:00
sábado: 10:00 - 16:00

Very helpful and knowledgeable. Translated by Google Muy servicial y bien informado.
Lovely lady owner. Very helpful and knowledgeable about the products. Translated by Google Encantadora señora propietaria. Muy servicial y conocedor de los productos.
Very knowledge lady, got some excellent advice Translated by Google Señora muy conocedora, obtuve un excelente consejo.
Very helpful and knowledgeable Translated by Google Muy útil y bien informado
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