Photography for weddings, portraits, wedding & event reportage, baptisms, & communions throughout Spain.
FotoValera is a photography studio located in the city of Almería, Spain. Our photography professionals can travel world wide to cover your needs. We specialise in weddings and we also offer portraits, baptisms and communions, as well as help you organize your event. Let us know what you're looking for and how we can help.
For more information in English or to set up a Skype date, contact us at
Skype (English) PhotographyValera
or write us through Facebook!
Check out more of our work at or our blog:
Here are some FAQs:
Languages spoken: English, Spanish, and Russian
We look forward to hearing from you!
FotoValera es un estudio fotográfico situado en centro de Almería en la calle Alcalde Muñoz 13, Spain. Especializado en fotografía de bodas, comuniones y bautizos.
FotoValera ha realizado reportajes de bodas en: Almería, Marbella, Barcelona, Murcia, Málaga, Granada, Tenerife, Palma de Mallorca.
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