
Reseñas, información para Mañón


Mañón, also registered in the past as Maañón, is a municipality in North-western Spain in the province of A Coruña, in the autonomous community of Galicia. It belongs to the comarca of Ortegal. Ferrolterra's population represents the third largest concentration of people in Galicia, and its disperse population exceeds 211,000 (2005)."O Barqueiro" and "Estaca de Bares" Ports25px Fishing port25px Sport portGeography, History and General informationMañón belongs to the Ferrolterra region of Ortegal and it is made up by five parishes, with 2,032 inhabitants, who are disseminated over its 82.1 km².This council forms a narrow and long band of land that joins mountain, river and sea. The fertile freshwater of the river Sor ploughs its rugged lands from south to north.The mountainous alignments of the Serra da Faladoira and Serra da Coriscada, the valleys of the Sor river and its estuary, and the peninsula that forms Estaca de Bares offers a very attractive landscape and of exceptional natural value.At monumental level, they emphasize the prehistoric rest like mámoas of Estaca de Bares and the possibly prehistoric (built in Middle Age according to other sources) port; in addition to Roman necropolis in A Ponte do Porto.

Dirección: Mañón
Ciudad: Mañón

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