
Reseñas, información para Mallorca Natural Tours

Mallorca Natural Tours

Sobre Nosotros

Discover the birds, wildlife and landscapes of our beautiful island with our local experts - JOIN US ON A TOUR


We are a local company based in Pollença, at the North Mallorca. We organise birding and wildlife tours to the main natural sites on the island. In our tours we offer the best combination of birding, discovering Mallorca’s wildlife, landscapes, history and culture. We also organize tours "a la carte" and personalized packages for several days in partnerships with other specialized tourism businesses, in order to meet your interests and requirements. And always based on a code of ethics and responsible tourism principles.

Our tour leaders are local professional biologists, ecologists, ornithologists and naturalists. We have considerable experience in observing and studying Mallorca’s nature, excellent knowledge of the best sites and many of us have worked in protected areas and biodiversity conservation.

For more information contact us on: [email protected]

"We are a local company based in Pollença, at the North of Mallorca. We organize birding and wildlife tours to the major natural areas on the island. In our tours we offer you the best combination of birding, discovering Mallorca’s wildlife, landscapes, history and culture. We also organize tours “a la carte” and personalized packages for several days in partnerships with other specialized tourism businesses, in order to meet your interests and requirements. And always based on a code of ethics and responsible tourism principles.Our tour leaders are local professional biologists, ecologists, ornithologists and naturalists. We have considerable experience in observing and studying Mallorca’s nature and excellent knowledge of the best sites."
Dirección: Pollença, 07460 Pollensa, Islas Baleares, Spain
Teléfono: +34 620 229687
Ciudad: Pollensa
Ruta: Pollença
Código postal: 07460

Horas laborales

lunes: 08:30 - 18:30
martes: 08:30 - 18:30
miércoles: 08:30 - 18:30
jueves: 08:30 - 18:30
viernes: 08:30 - 18:30
sábado: 08:30 - 18:30
domingo: 08:30 - 18:30

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No conozco mejor profesional en Mallorca como Pere, dedicado desde hace muchos años al turismo ornitológico. Un guía excepcional especializado en Ecoturismo gran conocedor de la flora y fauna de nuestras islas. I don't know a better professional in Mallorca like Pere, who has been dedicated to ornithological tourism for many years. An exceptional guide specialized in Ecotourism with a great knowledge of wildlife in our islands.
Gracias Pere por hacer de nuestra visita un día muy especial, repetiremos. Saludos
Traducido por Google Disfrutamos mucho de nuestro viaje a Mortitx con Pere Tomas para ver águilas perdiceras, buitres y flora y fauna local. Pere es un ecologista/biólogo mallorquín altamente cualificado y amable que habla un inglés excelente. Lo más destacado del viaje para mí fue ver docenas de mariposas monarca que recientemente establecieron una colonia de reproducción en Mallorca. Desafortunadamente, no hay águilas, pero eso es solo suerte. Vimos buitres, cernícalos, un halcón peregrino y variedad de paseriformes. El valle de Mortitx es bastante espectacular con viñedos, olivares centenarios, una fascinante variedad de flora, incluida la planta de algodón de la que se alimentan las orugas de la monarca. Traiga algo para beber y un pequeño picnic. ¡Este fue el punto culminante de nuestra estancia en Cala Sant Vicenç y valió la pena cada centavo! Original We really enjoyed our trip to Mortitx with Pere Tomas to see Bonelli eagles, vultures and local flora and fauna. Pere is a highly qualified, friendly mallorcan ecologist/ biologist who speaks excellent English. The highlight of the trip for me was seeing dozens of monarch butterflies which have only very recently established a breeding colony in Mallorca. Unfortunately, no eagles but that is just the luck of the draw. We did see vultures, kestrels, a peregrine falcon, and variety of passerines. Mortitx valley is quite spectacular with vineyards, ancient olive groves, a fascinating range of flora including the cotton plant the monarch caterpillars feed on. Bring something to drink and a small picnic. This was the highlight of our stay in Cala Sant Vicenç and was worth every penny!
Traducido por Google Seis de nosotros hicimos dos días de observación de aves con Pere. Visitamos cuatro sitios diferentes, todos los cuales fueron interesantes y produjeron algunas aves agradables. Pere tiene un excelente conocimiento de las aves y otros animales salvajes de Mallorca, que está muy feliz de compartir. Esto incluía información interesante sobre programas de cría de aves rapaces y sobre la ecología de las áreas que visitamos. Es muy amable y se aseguró de involucrarnos a todos en las discusiones que tuvimos. Su conocimiento de las áreas que visitamos y su aguda vista significaron que pudo detectar aves rápidamente, algunas de las cuales nos habríamos perdido. Es un conductor muy cuidadoso y todos nos sentimos seguros cuando viajamos. Estábamos tan complacidos de haber usado a Pere, en lugar de tener que alquilar autos y luego encontrar los lugares para observar aves. Recomendaría sin reservas a Pere si vienes a Mallorca a observar aves. Original Six of us did two days of birding with Pere. We visited four different sites all of which were interesting and produced some nice birds. Pere has an excellent knowledge of the birds, and other wildlife of Mallorca, which he is very happy to share. This included interesting information about breeding programs for birds of prey and about the ecology of the areas we visited. He is very friendly and made sure that he involved us all in the discussions we had. His knowledge of the areas we visited and his keen eyesight meant that he was able to quickly spot birds, some of which we would have missed. He is a very careful driver and we all felt safe when traveling. We were so pleased that we used Pere, rather than having to hire cars and then find the birding spots. I would unreservedly recommend Pere if you coming to Mallorca to do some birding.
Traducido por Google Excelentes vistas de limícolas de cerca en la marisma y salinas de Las Salinas. Pere es un experto local que habla muy bien inglés. Trabajó en Slimbridge y en Camargue antes de iniciar su propio negocio. Hay muchas oportunidades de observación de aves en toda la isla. Original Excellent views of waders at close quarters at the salt marsh and salt pans of Las Salinas. Pere is a local expert who speaks very good English. He worked at Slimbridge and in the Camargue before starting his own business. There are many birding opportunities all around the island.
Traducido por Google Hice dos excursiones con Pere en mi último viaje, ambas fueron excelentes. El gran viaje fue a la isla Dragonera, los aspectos más destacados fueron 8 currucas baleares, 3 de los cuales eran muy agradables y salieron para que los veamos y fotografiemos. 2 currucas bonellis, la caza de halcones de Eleanora y el águila calzada eran solo extras. Pere fue, como siempre, el perfecto anfitrión. Tuvimos un picnic en la isla a la que se unieron las lagartijas. El segundo viaje fue a Son Real, nos lo pasamos muy bien viendo una variedad de aves, incluyendo Wryneck, Nightingale, Woodchat Shrike y algunas tortugas de Herman. Si necesita una guía o simplemente quiere el conocimiento local real, entonces Pere es la única opción. Original I did two excursions with Pere on my last trip, both were excellent. The big trip was to Dragonera island, the highlights were 8 Balearic Warbler, 3 of which were very nice and came out for us to see and photograph. 2 bonellis warbler, Eleanora's falcon hunting and booted eagle were just extras. Pere was, as always, the perfect host. We had a picnic on the island which the lizards came to join in with. The second trip was to Son Real, we had a great time watching a variety of birds including Wryneck, Nightingale, Woodchat shrike and some Herman's tortoise. If you need a guide or just want the real local knowledge then Pere is the only choice.
Traducido por Google Un gran día con Pere. Vimos halcones de Eleanoras, águila calzada, roquero azul y más. Una experiencia encantadora. Original A great day out with Pere. We saw Eleanoras falcons, booted eagle, blue rock thrush and more. A lovely experience.
Traducido por Google Hemos tenido dos vacaciones en Mallorca en 2022, primavera y otoño. Ambos muy disfrutables. Durante los dos viajes he tenido 7 días de observación de aves con Pere. En una gira tuvimos 2 personas muy sordas. Me impresionó mucho la forma en que Pere los mantuvo bien informados. Se visitaron muchas aves y diferentes tipos de hábitat. Pere está muy bien informado sobre las aves y otros tipos de vida silvestre. Original We have had two holidays to Mallorca in 2022, Spring and Autumn. Both very enjoyable. Over the two trips I have had 7 birding days out with Pere. On one tour we had 2 very deaf people. I was very impressed with the way Pere kept them well informed. Lots of birds and different kinds of habitat were visited. Pere is very knowledgeable about birds and other types of wildlife.
Traducido por Google Pere es un guía increíble que sabe absolutamente todo sobre la vida silvestre de Mallorca. Tuve un día completo excepcional con él y no puedo recomendarlo lo suficiente. ¡Una experiencia maravillosa! Original Pere is an amazing guide who knows absolutely everything about the wildlife of Mallorca. I had an exceptional full day with him and cannot recommend him enough. A wonderful experience!
Traducido por Google Hice un viaje de medio día a Formentor con Pere. Recogido del hotel y llevado a varios sitios. Águilas calzadas y halcones elenoras se mostraron muy bien, roquero solitario, reyezuelos, incluso lograron vistas medio decentes de un walbler balear. Muy buen viaje, ambos lo disfrutamos muchísimo. Diría que somos aficionados entusiastas en lugar de observadores de aves empedernidos, pero la comunicación de Pere fue excelente y en el nivel correcto. Diría que sea cual sea tu nivel de conocimiento, principiante o experimentado, entonces no dudes en reservar un viaje con Pere. Original Did a half day trip to Formentor with Pere. Picked up from hotel and taken to several sites. Booted Eagles and elenoras falcons showed really well, blue rock thrush, firecrests, even managed half decent views of a Balearic walbler. Really good trip, we both thoroughly enjoyed it. I would say we are keen ameteurs rather than hardened birders, but Pere communication was excellent and on the right level. I would say whatever your knowledge level, beginner or experienced, then don't hesitate to book a trip with Pere
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