
Reseñas, información para Mallory Kitecamps

Mallory Kitecamps

Sobre Nosotros

Boost your level with pro kiteboarder Mallory de la Villemarqué during kiteboarding camps in some of the best kite destinations.


A kite camp is a 7 to 10 days trip together with a group of 5 to 10 people and a professional kiteboarder, in this case myself, Mallory de la Villemarqué, where in addition to discovering a great new kite destination I'll be coaching and helping you to improve your kite skills like never before. I'll be spending time on the water with you, so that I can show you the tricks in live and follow you while watching, and on the beach in order to analyze your riding and see what you are doing good and wrong. I'll be giving you all necessary tips and advices to give you the key to new tricks or tricks you are currently struggling with. We'll fix some objectives for the week and we'll make sure you assimilate as much information as possible. I'll also be filming you so that we can watch your riding together and analyze it, which is very helpful as we can easily see the mistakes we do (if there is any) and try to correct them
During the camp we will also be stretching on a daily basis so that our body recovers faster at night, especially after so many hours of kiting for so many days in a row, and we will also be doing some different excursions and enjoying a great kite holiday.

Dirección: Tarifa
Ciudad: Tarifa

búsquedas relacionadas: Camping Tarifa, Camping Tarifa Bungalows
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