"Mytilus is a Belgian restaurant located in the stylish marina of sotogrande , in the beautiful Andalusia. The casual & family-style ambiance is perfect for informal business lunches and fun dinners with friends! Enjoy the terrace’s calm setting on a beautiful day or seat inside for a more private meal. Gourmets menus are available for groups & private events, please get in touch to make a reservation and discuss yout event ! Mytilus is currently open from Mondaysto Sundays for breakfast lunch, tapas and dinner. Live sport events as well on big screen."
Dirección: Plaza de Los Naranjos, 8 , Sotogrande 11310, ES
Teléfono: 956 79 02 12
Ciudad: Sotogrande
Ruta: Plaza de Los Naranjos, 8
Código postal: 11310
Horas laborales
lunes: 18:00-00:00
martes: 18:00-00:00
miércoles: 18:00-00:00
jueves: 18:00-00:00
viernes: 18:00-00:00sábado: 12:00-00:00
domingo: 12:00-00:00
búsquedas relacionadas: mytilus galloprovincialis, mejillon mytilus edulis, mytilus edulis, mytilus provincialis, mytilus chilensis, mytilus californianus, mytilus edulis platensis, mytilus spp