"PTZ cafe club is your exquisite spot of tasty food in BenalmadenaA small and cozy Scandinavian style cafe «Cafe PTZ club» is a true oasis of gastronomic pleasure for lovers of tasty and healthy food. Benalmadena is one of the established pearls of the sunny Andalucia. We have done our best so you could relax and enjoy delicious starters made from fresh local ingredients, as well as taste exquisite traditional dishes and drinks in Scandinavian Northern style.Style and harmony of taste on Avenida Gamonal, 7 local 2."
Dirección: Avenida Gamonal, 7, local 2, 29630 Benalmádena
Teléfono: +34675711080
Ciudad: Benalmádena
Ruta: Avenida Gamonal, 7, local 2
Código postal: 29630
Horas laborales
lunes: 09:00 - 22:00
martes: 09:00 - 22:00miércoles: 09:00 - 22:00
jueves: 09:00 - 22:00
viernes: 09:00 - 22:00
sábado: 00:00 - 22:00