
Reseñas, información para San Andrés, Calatayud


San Andrés, in translation, St Andrew is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church located in Calatayud, region of Aragon, Spain.HistoryThe church was commissioned in the 12th century after the Reconquista of the town by Alfonso I el Batallador. Initially likely of Romanesque design, only traces of that church remain above the portal and in the baptismal font.In town, this church rivaled that of the Colegiata of Santa María for veneration and attention. Documents from 1456, note that Farax and Brahem, both surnamed el Rubio (the Blond) and both Moors, signed a contract with the parishioners of the church of San Juan de Vallupie to make ciborium, no longer extant, that was to resemble that of the church of San Andrés. The bell-tower was built in 1508.In 1870, the city hall sought to raze the dilapidated church buildings of San Miguel y de San Andrés, while preserving the Tower of San Andrés. In 1966, the church was declared of interés histórico artístico.Art and ArchitectureThe church retains its 14th-century Mudéjar layout with Gothic tracery creating elaborate star-shaped geometric lines. The aisles have four chapels: two of Mudéjar design, including the baptistry. The other two were built in the 18th century with gothic tracery ceilings.The main altar has a Retablo with sculptures of the evangelists Mark and Luke, and two saints. Some panels depict the Fathers of the Roman Church (Augustine, Ambrose, Hieronymus, and Gregory the Great'').

Dirección: Calatayud
Ciudad: Calatayud

búsquedas relacionadas: Calatayud España mapa, Nombre romano de Calatayud, Torre de la colegiata de santa maría de calatayud, Colegiata de Calatayud, Significado de Calatayud, Santa María de Mediavilla Teruel, Ciudad española famosa por su arquitectura mudéjar, Techos mudéjar
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