
Reseñas, información para Segura de la Sierra


Segura de la Sierra is a small village in the province of Jaén, (Spain), that belongs to the region of Sierra de Segura in eastern Andalusia.According to data provided by Spain's national statistics agency, Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE), in 2005 there were 1,771 people living in the town, all them located in the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park that includes the following villages: Cortijos Nuevos El Ojuelo Carrasco La Alberquilla El Robledo Rihornos Trujala Arroyo frío Río Madera and Arroyo Canales Catena El Tobazo El PuertoHistoryThe most important period for Segura de la Sierra was during the Arab occupation, when the town was called Saqura . The village was conquered in 781 AD by Abul-Asvar who was responsible for building the several walls that surround the town. People were under the rule of the walíes serving the Córdoba kings.After fighting between the Almohads, the Christians took the control and the king Alfonso VIII donated the village to the military Order of Santiago, many nobles and personalities were born or lived there in those days, including the poet Jorge Manrique.After it was taken by the Castilian troops, part of its inhabitants resettled in the city of Safi, where they are known to this day by last name Shequri.

Dirección: 23379 Segura de la Sierra
Ciudad: Segura de la Sierra
Código postal: 23379

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