
Reseñas, información para TravelWingman


Sobre Nosotros

I want to go where the locals go. I want to do what the locals do.
True cultural immersion with only the fun bits. Like TIVO for life!


Travel Wingman creates a unique travel experience in which you will be immersed in the destination of your dreams as if you lived there, but only on your time off. We design travel adventures that will not only fit your specific lifestyle and preference but that will offer you opportunities to relax and enjoy each destination like a local. First we'll get to know you through our specialised questionnaire to determine how you prefer to expend your leisure time and what activities you enjoy the most. Then we will use our local knowledge which combines a network of friends who are intimately familiar with the travel destination in question with a list of "secret gems" you won't find in any travel guide. Your personalised itinerary will include restaurants, shows, sporting events and cultural activities that are favourites among our carefully selected network of locals. You won't be spending long hours being herded through tourist traps and overwhelmed with endless lectures. You will be enjoying yourself as the locals do. We will also include delightful get togethers during which you will have the opportunity to socialise with our friends in a relaxing setting and gain the "insider" perspective that will deliver a truly meaningful travel experience and an unforgettable vacation!


To build bridges between people and creating understanding while having a really good time


Personalised travel experiences in Spain
Wine tours
Meditation programmes

Dirección: Valencia
Teléfono: +1 404 437 6354
Ciudad: Valencia

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