
Reseñas, información para Upenova


Sobre Nosotros

International Wholesale Sales Agency and Brand Representation


The hottest products, from the hottest designers in Australia, delivered to European retailers for hassle-free profit. Upenova is the simplest way for European stores to gain the leading edge in innovative products. Upenova is the only distribution agency with reach into Australia’s famously innovative manufacturing community. Louise doesn’t just “look for great products”, she’s part of a vast network of the country’s hottest designers, and she’s got a little black book full of innovation!

For EU retailers, she delivers a unique opportunity to stock products tried and tested, with a solid sales history in the tough Australian market. Products that solve big problems for families. Products with an instant “wow” factor. Products that fly off the shelves. Products that none of your competitors can touch. Louise is your local sales agent, taking care of all the details, while you take care of the profits.

Dirección: Málaga
Ciudad: Málaga

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