
Reseñas, información para Vicálvaro


Vicálvaro is a former village in its own right of the province of Madrid. Nowadays is a district in the southeast of Madrid, Spain.HistoryWhen Spain's Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) was established in 1844, the first headquarters of its cavalry was in Vicálvaro. Franco converted it into an artillery barracks for the Brunete Armored Division, Regiment No. 11. The building is now part of the Rey Juan Carlos University.Vicálvaro was the site of Leopoldo O'Donnell's 1854 coup known as La Vicalvarada, which began Spain's Bienio progresista.In 2011, a Visigothic necropolis was uncovered in Vicálvaro.GeographyPositionIt is bordered on the west by the district of Moratalaz (across the Autopista de Circunvalación M-40), on the north by San Blas (across the M-40, the Avenida de Canillejas a Vicálvaro, the Autopista Radial 3 and the Vicálvaro-Coslada Highway), on the south by the Puente de Vallecas and the Villa de Vallecas (across Autovía A-3) and on the east by the municipalities of Coslada, San Fernando de Henares and Rivas-Vaciamadrid.

Dirección: 28032 Vicálvaro
Ciudad: Vicálvaro
Código postal: 28032

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