"Hello! I'm Holly!I am a Personal Trainer & Nutritionist, and you can usually find me in my Boutique Fitness Studio in central Barcelona, or online! I am dedicated to helping people transform the relationship they have with themselves. If you feel like low self esteem controls your life, you’re confused by all the conflicting information, you just want to feel good about yourself? I understand. I’ve been there too. I re-trained in nutrition and fitness in 2014, to help myself first, and did - and now I am so passionate about helping others! Through education, community, working together and my support, I can help. You deserve it all!"
Dirección: Carrer dels Almogavers, 60 , Barcelona 08018, ES
Teléfono: 644 60 89 23
Ciudad: Barcelona
Ruta: Carrer dels Almogavers, 60
Código postal: 08018
Horas laborales
lunes: 07:00-20:00
martes: 07:00-20:00
miércoles: 07:00-20:00
jueves: 07:00-20:00viernes: 07:00-20:00
sábado: 07:00-18:00