"The Delicatezza Cocktail Bar chooses by a mixology creative based in the attention to the customer, the quality and those small details that make that the joint end is an experience positive. Our aim is to develop a product made in house but respecting the laws of the cocktail.Our team of professional bartenders has developed a "home made" cocktail bar with new tastes and looking for the perfect harmony between them. The Delicatezza Cocktail Bar bet by invent cocktails unique betting to the hundred by hundred by the cocktail bar artisanal and us are dedicated to work an only product "Cocktail"."
Dirección: Avenida de las Playas, 31 , Tías 35510, ES
Teléfono: 637 18 76 64
Ciudad: Tías
Ruta: Avenida de las Playas, 31
Código postal: 35510
Horas laborales
lunes: 10:00-13:00martes: 10:00-13:00
miércoles: 10:00-13:00
jueves: 10:00-13:00
viernes: 10:00-02:00
sábado: 10:00-02:00
domingo: 10:00-13:00