"Ópera Pizza is a popular Italian restaurant in Madrid, Spain. The restaurant offers a variety of traditional Italian pizzas, as well as a selection of appetizers and salads. Ópera Pizza is known for its use of fresh, high-quality ingredients and its commitment to traditional Italian cooking methods. The restaurant also offers a selection of Italian wines, beers, and cocktails. Ópera Pizza is open seven days a week and has a lively atmosphere, making it a great place for a night out or a casual dinner"
Dirección: Calle del Arenal, 23 , Madrid 28013, ES
Teléfono: 915 59 17 65
Ciudad: Madrid
Ruta: Calle del Arenal, 23
Código postal: 28013
Horas laborales
lunes: 12:00-00:00
martes: 12:00-00:00
miércoles: 12:00-00:00
jueves: 12:00-00:00viernes: 12:00-00:30
sábado: 12:00-01:30
domingo: 12:00-00:30