"...Japanese Restaurant by JAPANESE...We do our best to keep what is means of the japanese food and present the unknown japanese regional food.We use only japanese's quality selected ingredients.Sushi is must be made fresh to order that it means japanese's quality.Some plates are required times to prepare, we don't cut off any process, give the authentic taste likes in Japan.Options for Gluten-Free or Vegetarian or other allergies.Thank you for waiting.*******************************************We are fighting for the japanese food culture, but there're some chinese didn't agree and just leave the bad comments without buy or try anything from here.*******************************************"
Dirección: Carrer de l'Allada Vermell, 10 , Barcelona 08003, ES
Teléfono: 616 52 77 29
Ciudad: Barcelona
Ruta: Carrer de l'Allada Vermell, 10
Código postal: 08003
Horas laborales
lunes: 13:30-16:00
lunes: 20:00-23:30
martes: 13:30-16:00
martes: 20:00-23:30
miércoles: 13:30-16:00miércoles: 20:00-23:30
jueves: 13:30-16:00